<%@LANGUAGE="JAVASCRIPT" CODEPAGE="65001"%> Teechnical Support
  Trouble-Shooting Tips:
Having some troubles with your LED signs? Here are some general diagonostic
tips that may help:

1- Take the time to power off the hardware associated with your unit. Once you
have completed this task, simply turn the power on to yoursign and computer.

2- Make sure that all the connections that are associated with your sign are
connected with the respective ports. This means following the wire that is
attached to your sign or your computer and making sure that, not only does it end
up somewhere that it is supposed to go, but also making sure that it is snuggly
attached to the port it occupies.

3- Test whether the batteries are in working condition, replace them if required.
Test whether the batteries are inserted with the correct one. Check if any objects
are located between remote control and the LED screen, which might hinder
the signal transfer.

If you have perfomed the previous 3 steps are still experiencing problems,
please feel free to speak with one of our friendly technical professionals to
help answer any questions that you may have.

Procon Industrial Company
Unit D 9/F, Wang Kwong Industrial Building 45 Hung To Road Kwun Tong Kowloon Hong Kong
E-mail: sales@i-procon.com | Skype: i-procon | Ph: 852 3997.3611
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